Thursday, February 15, 2007

Finding a Great Family Business

It seems like most people have to fail at several family businesses before they even know what they really want out of their business, or what business can really give make it happen for them. The problem is most of us will fail once, get burned, loose money, and say "That stuff doesn't work". This really doesn't make sense, but I've seen it happen many times. It's kind of like learning to walk, you can't just say I'll try it once but if I fall, I'm never going to do that again. Sounds silly doesn't it?

However, It's always wiser to learn critical information at other's expense then it is to waste your time and money learning the ropes. I've also failed at several business ventures that I started, but then I found the right opportunity for my family. I also found a great mentor that helped me learn the ropes. It's their story that I want to share with you today.

One business they had been running suddenly and unexpectedly came to a disastrous end. So they found themselves needing income, and needing to start a business and take it to $10,000 per month profit in just 3 months. Sounds intimidating if you're not used to making money, but they were dead serious about doing it. So they hired a professional Home Business Consultant to help them...
  • Understand what the characteristics of a great opportunity looked like.
  • Come up with a list of 100 great home businesses that fit those characteristics.
  • Interview these 100 companies to find which one was the best fit for them.

Well, first of all, DON'T go do all that. You don't need to because I'm going to help you understand what to look for in a great opportunity right now.

The Characteristics of a great opportunity are

  1. Must have Patented Proprietary Products/Services.
  2. Must have Consumable Products/Services.
  3. Must be in an Industry that's Exploding.
  4. Must have a product that People Develop and Emotional Connection to.

Here's Why they're important.

1) Patented Proprietary Products make it so that you're not selling something that everyone else has. So if you're company is selling cell phones, you're competing with everyone else out there in the same industry. It's probably not a good choice, because as soon as Walmart decides to sell cell phone's, they are going to be able to do it cheaper then you. Your business can literally be wiped out in 1 day like that. Just because Walmart can sell that phone for $2 cheaper than you.

2) Consumable products are important because you want to get repeat sales. Let's look at the everlasting-gob-stopper (the gum in Willie Wanka that never wears down or looses it's taste). If you sold those, you could literally run out of people to market your product to. However, If you had gum that only lasted for a little while, then you would develop repeat business. This is a critical concept. You want your customers buying your product/service over and over again. It will make you a fortune.

3) You want an industry that's exploding. Even average marketers can sell a hot dog to a starving man. It's a "no brainer". Pick an exploding industry like the Wellness Industry that is predicted to be the next Trillion Dollar Industry. It's like selling picks and shovels to people in the Gold Rush... You're gonna make a fortune.

4) if you have Products that people are passionate about, Your customers will actually market your business for you. Think about what happens with people who are having problems with a serious health challenge. If they get results with a serious health challenge, and it was because your product made the difference... they're gonna tell the world. So make sure, you're selling something that really pushes a hot button.

If you will apply these factors to your search for a business, then you could potentially save thousands of dollars and years waisted 'trying' to find the right business. If you would like to see one of my businesses and how I market it, simply go to to see how I'm making my living from home.

Best wishes to you!